

Do gaseous planets have density

Updated: 4/28/2022
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14y ago

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Well, some planets, such as Mercury, have little density. For example, the amount of density in oil compared to water. That scenario is an example of the amount of density that you might expect on such planets as Venus.

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The Sun is not a planet. It is a star. The Earth has gas on it, but it is not gaseous compared to the planets defined as gaseous. So your answer would be no the Sun and the Earth are not gaseous planets.

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Which planet is not gaseous?

The non-gaseous planets, called Rocky planets are Mercury, Venues, Earth and Mars.

Why do gaseous planets have a grater gravitational pull?

all the gas planets in our solar system are extremely large, so despite the low density of gas they are much heavier than the rock planets, that's why they have more pull

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Terrestrial are the planets closest to the sun - Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. Gaseous are the rest, up to Uranus.

Which objects are also called gas giants?

Another name for gaseous planets is Jovian planet meaning Jupiter like.

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The Outer planets are often referred to as Gaseous planets. The others are the "inner planets" or rocky planets.

Why are the terrestrial planets smaller than the gaseous planets?

the terrestrial planets are made of iron cores and the gaseous planets are bigger and are made up of many gases that come together so if u could stand on one of these planets u would sink in goo the gaseous planets also have more gravity