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The gas giants, the four planets farthest from the Sun, do spin faster than the inner planets.

However, rotational speed has almost nothing to do with the distance a planet is from the sun. Having said that, both the Sun and the Moon are responsible for the tides of the oceans which are still slowing the Earth down ever so slightly. The extremely slow rotation of Venus would have had other causes.

The rotational speeds of planets are the product of 4½ billion years of events. The angular momentum of the protostellar disc would have been transferred to growing planets. In the case of the gas giants, the tidal effects at their great distance from the Sun are extremely small compared to their masses. So they are still spinning vigorously. Even Mercury, the closest planet to the Sun, is not rapidly losing its spin.

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Q: Do planets near the sun spin faster or slower than planets away from the sun?
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