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No. The farther away you get from the sun, the slower the planets orbit. (and the sun looks smaller!). By the way, even if the planets were all moving at the same speed, they still wouldn't be lined up, because the distances traveled by planets with each revolution around the sun would be different. Therefore this question is reasonable.

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they do orbit more slowly, Newton's law of universal gravitation states that the larger the mass of the two objects and the closer together the objects are, the greater the force of gravity between the two objects.

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No, planets orbit the sun at different speeds. The farther a planet is from the sun, the slower it moves in its orbit. This relationship is described by Kepler's laws of planetary motion.

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Q: Do planets orbit around the sun at the same speed?
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Do the planets travel at the same speed?

No, planets do not all travel at the same speed. The speed at which a planet moves in its orbit around the Sun depends on its distance from the Sun and its mass. Closer planets tend to move faster than those further away.

Does a planet in orbit around the sun travel at a constant speed?

No, a planet does not travel at a constant speed in its orbit around the sun. Due to gravitational forces, a planet's speed varies as it moves along its elliptical orbit, speeding up when it is closer to the sun (perihelion) and slowing down when it is farther away (aphelion).

All comets orbit the Sun in the same direction as the planets?

False. While most comets orbit the Sun in the same direction as the planets (counterclockwise when viewed from above Earth's North Pole), there are exceptions. Some comets have retrograde orbits, meaning they orbit in the opposite direction of the planets.

What are 3 distinctive characteristics of orbit of planet and moon in the solar system?

Planets orbit the Sun in ellipses, while moons orbit planets in ellipses or circles. Planets have relatively stable orbits defined by their distance from the Sun, while moons have more variable orbits influenced by gravitational interactions with their parent planet and other moons. The orbits of planets and moons in the solar system are in the same plane called the ecliptic, with some exceptions like Pluto and its moon Charon.

What do all the planets in the Solar System have in common?

Here are a few commonalities.... They are all in direct orbit around the sun. They are all approximately spherical in shape. They were all formed around the same time. They all orbit the sun on a similar plane. They all orbit the sun in the same direction.

Related questions

Do planets share the same orbit?

No, planets do not share the same orbit. Each planet in our solar system travels along its own distinct path around the Sun. The varying distances and speeds of planets in their orbits prevent them from sharing the same orbit.

Do planets revolve around the sun at the same speed?

No, planets do not revolve around the sun at the same speed. Their orbital speeds depend on their distance from the sun - planets closer to the sun have shorter orbital periods and faster speeds, while those further away have longer orbital periods and slower speeds.

Do the planets travel at the same speed?

No, planets do not all travel at the same speed. The speed at which a planet moves in its orbit around the Sun depends on its distance from the Sun and its mass. Closer planets tend to move faster than those further away.

What is the movements around the sun called?

Orbit. The same goes for planets & other stars too.

Why do all planets orbit around the Sun in the same major direction?


Why does a planets distance from the sun change?

To be in a perfect orbit around the Sun, maintaining always the same distance, at a specific distance a planet would need a very specific speed. Since it is unlikely that it just happens to have the correct speed, it will move around the Sun in an ellipse instead.

How are the inner and outter planets similar?

They're all in orbit around the same star.

Do the planets that become dwarf planets stay in the same spot?

Yes, the name may change but the orbit around the sun doesn't

How are gas giants and rocky planets similar?

They are alike because they are all planets and they orbit around the same star (the Sun.) They are also in the same solar system.

Do planets orbit around the sun?

YES!!! Together with their sattelites(moons). The nine planets that orbit the Sun from nearest to Sun to furthest are; - Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Asteroid Belt , Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. With the exception of Mercury and Venus, which have no sattelites, all the other planets have sattelites, which partner their parent planet on there orbit around the Sun. All the planets orbits the Sun in approximately the same plane. However, there are comets and meteors which orbit the Sun in different planes, Notably Halley's Comet.

Do all the planets travel around the sun at the same speed yes or no?

no they do not

What the same about the planets?

All planets orbit around a star, such as the sun. They are spherical in shape due to their gravitational pull. Additionally, they do not produce their own light, but instead reflect the light from their star.