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They orbit in an ellipsoidal fashion.

From a given starting point the planet will trace an ellipse back toi its original starting point. However, that ellipse orbit doesn't quite close up, but overlaps, hence the word. ellipsoidal'. This was first observed by Mercury's track about the Sun.

The Sun lies at one of the foci (Not focuses), of the ellipse. The other focus may be though of as a 'blind' focus. The Sun does NOT lie at the centre of the ellipose.

This ellipse can stretch to a long narrow ellipse, or 'fatten' to a nearly circular ellipose. All this occurs over thousands of years.

Have a search in Wikipedia , for Johannes Kepler and separatelt Milutin Milankovic(h).

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6mo ago
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1mo ago

No, planets orbit the sun in an elliptical shape. The path of a planet around the sun is called an orbit, and it follows an elliptical shape with the sun situated at one of the two foci. Although it may appear circular from a distance, planetary orbits are actually elliptical with the sun at one of the foci.

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16y ago

One of the most remarkable features of our solar system is that nearly all of the revolutions and rotations are in the same direction. From a point high above the north pole of the solar system the planets are revolving about the sun and rotating about their axes in a counterclockwise direction. This holds true also for the asteroids. If the planets and asteroids were formed from merely random accretions the would be an even mixture of the directions of revolution and rotation. The sun itself also rotates in a counterclockwise direction. The satellites of the planets also generally revolve and rotate in a counterclockwise direction. Of the thirty something satellites only six do not do so; they are said to have retrograde motion. Of the six exceptions five are outer satellites likely to be captured asteroids.


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13y ago

All closed orbits are ellipses. That includes planets and comets around the sun,

as well as the moon and all artificial satellites around the earth.

A circle is just a special case of an ellipse. If everything about the orbit is just

exactly perfect, then it can be a circle, but that never actually happens.

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9y ago

All the planets are in their own orbits round the Sun. Every asteroid, comet and meteor and everything else in space is also in an orbit controlled by the force of gravity. All the separate objects in their individual orbits follow Kepler's laws.

Planetary orbits are very stable and any major change takes place on a billion-year timescale.

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10y ago

Planets do maintain a circular type orbit around the sun. The gravitational pull of the sun helps to keep each planet on its orbital path.

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11y ago

Yes, though the orbits are not perfectly circular.

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10y ago

The planets do not revolve in circular orbits around the Sun; rather their paths are elliptical in nature.

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12y ago

No, they move in an ovular motion

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Lvl 1
4y ago

The planets do circle the Sun because they can move around it when the time changes

From Rebecca xx

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