

Do stars orbit the sun

Updated: 4/28/2022
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13y ago

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No, most stars orbit the center of their galaxies. There are many types of star systems. For example, binary stars orbit each other.

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What stars orbit the sun?

Stars do not orbit the sun.

Can planets and stars orbit around the sun?

Planets orbit the sun. Stars do not.

Do stars orbit around the sun?

No. The sun is a star like any other; it holds no special place in the galaxy. The stars, including the sun, orbit the center of the galaxy. There are also stars in other galaxies.

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The sun.

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No. Venus is a planet (in orbit around the Sun) with no natural satelites.

What is the movements around the sun called?

Orbit. The same goes for planets & other stars too.

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No. Mars is a planet and thus much smaller than any star. Stars cannot orbit planets. However, Mars does orbit the sun, which is a star.

Why do stars appear to move across the sky during the night?

stars don't move across the sky, we orbit the sun, as you should know, and as we orbit the sun we see the stars as moving but in all actuality we are just changing position and seeing the stars at a different perspective

Does Venus have stars?

No. Venus has no stars. Planets do not "have" stars, at least not in the way that they have moons or rings. It does orbit a star, however. This star is the Sun.

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Jupiter and stars are both spherical (ball-shaped) and they both orbit a larger body of some sort. Jupiter orbits our Sun, and stars orbit the center of their galaxy, and sometimes stars orbit another close star.

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Earth rotates on its axis The moon orbits the Earth The sun IS a star so stars move the same way Earth takes a year to orbit the sun Moon takes a month to orbit the earth Earth takes a day to orbit around its axis The Sun does NOT move

Do planets obit the sun?

Eight planets orbit our sun. More than a thousand planets far beyond our solar system are known to orbit other stars.