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Q: Does An HR diagram plots a stars luminosity and surface temperature?
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What are the kind of stars according to their size?

Stars come in different shapes, sizes, colors. This is due to the amount of spectra and temperature in each for classifying stars.Astronomers often use the Hertzsprung-Russell (H-R) Diagram plots stars color, temperature, luminosity, spectral type, and even evolutionary type.

Are main sequence stars hotter or cooler than the sun?

They are both hotter and cooler because the main sequence contains a lot of stars including the Sun. The main sequence is a region on a Hertzsprung-Russell diagram which plots stars on a graph of brightness against surface temperature. Each star is a point on the diagram because it has one value of brightness and one of temperature. All the main-sequence stars lie on or near a line drawn from top left to lower right. The Sun is about halfway along the main sequence.

What is a hertzsprung-Russel Diagram?

see link below

Henry Norris Russell and Ejnar Hertzprung?

In the early 20th century, Danish astrophysicist Ejnar Hertzsprung and American astrophysicist Henry Norris Russell independently developed a graph now known as the Hertzsprung-Russell (H-R) diagram, which plots absolute brightness against spectral type. In this diagram, the brightest stars lie near the top of the diagram and the hottest stars lie to the left. On the H-R diagram, most of the stars, including the Sun, fall along a diagonal line that goes from the upper left to the lower right of the diagram. This line called the main sequence.The great majority of stars neighboring the Sun fall on the lower part of the H-R diagram's main sequence, and relatively few lie on the portion of the main sequence above the Sun. This means that most of the Sun's neighboring stars are both cooler and fainter (in absolute magnitude) than the Sun. A smaller population of brighter but cooler stars known as supergiants occupies the uppermost region of the diagram. Some stars, which are difficult to discover because they are so intrinsically faint, lie near the bottom of the H-R diagram. These faint stars are called white dwarfs.

What is the meaning of zero air void?

no air void in it and plots against specific gravity

Related questions

What does and H-R diagram relate a star's temperature to?

The Hertzsprung-Russell diagram (H-R diagram) shows the relationship between absolute magnitude, luminosity, classification, and effective temperature of stars. The diagram as originally conceived displayed the spectral type (effectively the surface temperature) of stars on the horizontal axis and the absolute magnitude (their intrinsic brightness) on the vertical axis.

What two characteristics of stars are shown in the H-R diagram?

The Hertzsprung Russell diagram plots each star as a point on the diagram, with absolute magnitude along the vertical scale and surface temperature along the horizontal scale.

What are the kind of stars according to their size?

Stars come in different shapes, sizes, colors. This is due to the amount of spectra and temperature in each for classifying stars.Astronomers often use the Hertzsprung-Russell (H-R) Diagram plots stars color, temperature, luminosity, spectral type, and even evolutionary type.

What is the largest star in the hr diagram?

For a long times, it was considered to be VY Canis Majoris, but new studies have reduced its size. The present record is held by UY Scuti at 1708 times the diameter of the Sun. That works out to about 2,250,000,000km.

What is plotted on the horizontal axis of an H-R diagram?

If you mean a Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram, which plots stars color, temperature, and absolute magnitude (see related link), then it looks like color and spectral class (temperature) are plotted on horizontal, and Absolute Magnitude/Lumenoscity are plotted on the vertical.

What are the categories of stars shown on the HR diagram?

The Hertzsprung -Russell (H-R) Diagram is a graph that plots stars color (spectral type or surface temperature) vs. its luminosity (intrinsic brightness or absolute magnitude). On it, astronomers plot stars' color, temperature, luminosity, spectral type, and evolutionary stage. This diagram shows that there are 3 very different types of stars:Most stars, including the sun, are "main sequence stars," fueled by nuclear fusion converting hydrogen into helium. For these stars, the hotter they are, the brighter. These stars are in the most stable part of their existence; this stage generally lasts for about 5 billion years.As stars begin to die, they become giants and supergiants (above the main sequence). These stars have depleted their hydrogen supply and are very old. The core contracts as the outer layers expand. These stars will eventually explode (becoming a planetary nebula or supernova, depending on their mass) and then become white dwarfs, neutron stars, or black holes (again depending on their mass).Smaller stars (like our Sun) eventually become faint white dwarfs (hot, white, dim stars) that are below the main sequence. These hot, shrinking stars have depleted their nuclear fuels and will eventually become cold, dark, black dwarfs.

What diagram uses two plots on the same graph?

well a diagraph has pics and that one does not.

Are main sequence stars hotter or cooler than the sun?

They are both hotter and cooler because the main sequence contains a lot of stars including the Sun. The main sequence is a region on a Hertzsprung-Russell diagram which plots stars on a graph of brightness against surface temperature. Each star is a point on the diagram because it has one value of brightness and one of temperature. All the main-sequence stars lie on or near a line drawn from top left to lower right. The Sun is about halfway along the main sequence.

How do we know that the Sun is made mostly of hydrogen and helium?

If the star plots on the main sequence of the Hertzsprung-Russell (HR) diagram its main energy source is hydrogen fusion. As it converts to helium fusion the core collapses a bit and the temperature of the core goes up. This causes the star's outer layers to expand and the star's surface appears cooler (more red). At this point it will no longer plot on the main sequence of the HR diagram.

What is a hertzsprung-Russel Diagram?

see link below

What is a b-r diagram?

A Hertzsprung-Russell (H-R) diagram, also known as a color-magnitude diagram, is a graph that plots stars based on their absolute magnitude (brightness) and spectral type (color). It is a valuable tool for studying the properties and evolutionary stage of stars within a specific population.

What a xy scatter plot explain with a simple diagram what a such plot consist of?

See related link. You can also search for "scatter plots" to see lots of examples.