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Jupiter is made entirely of gas.

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Q: Does Jupiter have any mountains or craters or rivers or etc?
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Do Jupiter have craters?

While Jupiter is composed mainly of gasses there is a solid core at the center of the planet roughly the same size as the earth. The surface of this core is believed to be composed of glacier ice. Therfore Jupiter does have landforms.

How many craters are on Saturn?

Jupiter has such a dense atmosphere that anything entering it at high speed will burn up before reaching any solid surface where it could create a crater. In fact, it is not known if Jupiter even HAS a solid surface at all! The pieces of the comet that did hit Jupiter's atmosphere left some pretty amazi ng perturbations in that atmosphere as we saw from pictures taken with telescopes (including the Hubble Space Telescope) shortly after the collisions. Note: the comet had already broken up into many pieces before colliding with Jupiter.

Does Triton have any craters?

yes doah!

What is the least cratered planet?

Of all the planets, the Gas Giants (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune) do not have any craters due to the fact that they are, well, made of gas and cannot produce a crater. Of the terrestrial planets (Earth, Mars, Mercury and Venus) Earth has the least "visible" craters due to erosion and tectonic plate movements, whereas Venus has the least craters because it's surface was "reformed" about 500 million years ago.

Does eris have volcanoes?

While we can barely detect that Eris exists (much less see if it has any craters) I would be surprised if it does not have any craters. So far, every body with a solid surface has craters. Except Venus, and I think that the reason we haven't seen craters on Venus is the fact that the atmosphere of Venus is an impenetrable haze.

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What is the different mechanisms by which mountains form on the earth and moon?

On earth there are many mechanisms that create mountains. These being rivers, volcanoes, and tectonic plates. The moon does not have any mechanisms itself but is hit with other rock and debris creating craters and mountains.

Do any of Jupiter's moons have a crater?

Yes. As far as I know, all of Jupiter's moons (and all other moons in the Solar System) have craters.

Do Jupiter have craters?

While Jupiter is composed mainly of gasses there is a solid core at the center of the planet roughly the same size as the earth. The surface of this core is believed to be composed of glacier ice. Therfore Jupiter does have landforms.

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there are many mountains

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Yes there is Mount Vanispan and Joan Rivers and the Marble Mountains etc.

Does Jupiter has any mountains or valleys?

no it can't hold mountains because it is one big ball of gas

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The Mississippi is on the border of Arkansas. There are the Ozark Mountains in Arkansas.

Are there any rivers or mountains in Cornwall?

a couple of rivers no mountins a couple of step hills in brea

Does Canada have any famous rivers or mountains?

yes, Frio

Are there any major landforms in Singapore?

yes. there is rivers but no mountains.

Name any of Spain's rivers lakes or mountains?

juquinta and the espainca