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Q: Does earth represent a vast integrated system?
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What life-sustaining substance exists in vast amounts on earth but not on other planets of our solar system?

Liquid water

Where is the earth's vast reservoir of nitrogen?

Earth's vast reservoir is in it's atmosphere which is roughly 79% nitrogen.

What extensive system that helped the Incas govern their vast empire?

the road system helped the incas govern their vast empire

How vast is earth's orbit?

The orbit of the Earth has a radius of about 93 million miles.

Which planet has vast amount of liquid water?


What is Cisco IOS?

Cisco IOS (originally Internetwork Operating System) is the software used on the vast majority of Cisco Systems routers and current Cisco network switches. (Earlier switches ran CatOS.) IOS is a package of routing, switching, internetworking and telecommunications functions tightly integrated with a multitasking operating system.

If you jump do the water on the other side of the earth move?

NO. The Earth is way too vast for that to happen.

How are the structures of the moon and the earth different?

earth has a spherical shape a vast land...moon which has craters..

Which native American group built a vast system of roads?

The Native American group did built vast system of roads. The Native American's did the roads by hand.

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Integrated circuit is digital or analog?

An IC can be either an analog device or a digital device. Today, in early 2014, I think it's accurate to say that the vast majority of integrated circuits being manufactured and installed in electronic things now are digital.