

Does fusion take place in stars?

Updated: 7/5/2023
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15y ago

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Fusion reactions can occur without the heat and pressure of a star, but such reactions (as in hydrogen bombs) will be instantaneous and not self-sustaining.

Answer: If all meeps are sheep and all sheep are mammals then all meeps are mammals but it does not follow that (the reverse is true in that) all mammals are meeps.

In Short: That depends how you define a star, but not necessarily and in reality not at all, to draw such a comparison is an example of metaphor (unless discussing a star).

Even Shorter: No.

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As a result of fusion hydrogen atoms are converted into helium and energy is released.

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What is the fuel the runs fusion in stars?

Initially it is hydrogen. When that is spent, stars move to fusion of helium. There are also other fusion processes which take place: which process depends on the stars' mass.

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Stars are not powered by combustion; they are powered by nuclear fusion, which is a fundamentally different and far more energetic process.

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Neclear Fusion because stars are powered by that, even our sun

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Neclear Fusion because stars are powered by that, even our sun

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If you are asking where does solar nuclear fusion take place, then that would be at the core of stars.

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White dwarfs are too cool for nuclear fusion to take place.

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Not fusion, but a fission reaction.

Are all-stars fusion reactors?

Yes, stars are fusion reactors.

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No. Stars are only in the main sequence when they are fusing hydrogen.

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Nuclear fusion is the type of nuclear reaction that occurs in stars. Older stars with a collapsing center can exceed a temperature of one hundred million Kelvin.

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Nuclear fusion of hydrogen isotopes take place to form helium.