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Yes, gravity does stop gases from escaping from the planet. This layer of gases is called the atmosphere and it allows humans and plants to survive.

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Q: Does gravity stop gases from escaping form a planet?
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How does a nebula developes into a solar system?

The gases come together due to gravity and form a nebula which further form a star. it alo come sfrom

Which two forces of a result is the orbit of the planet?

Gravity, which pulls an object inward, and inertia, which resists gravity. They combine to form a more-or-less circular orbit.

How does the atmosphere form?

The Earth's atmosphere is made mainly of nitrogen(78%) and oxygen(21%) and small amount of argon(0.93%) and CO2 (0.03%) and other gases(0.04%)

Which of the following best illustrates the role that gravity played in the formation of your solar system?

Gravity compresses gases at the center of a solar nebula until temperatures are high enough for nuclear fusion to occur.

Why is our planet the only planet to have life?

Our planet is the perfect distance from our sun to receive enough light to keep water in a liquid form, our atmosphere has a well balanced amount of Nitrogen, Oxygen, Carbon Dioxide and other gases to support life and trap heat within the planet. Our planet also has water, a very important 'ingredient' for life. It is also a 'rock' planet not a gas planet and has a strong enough gravitation pull to hold on to our atmosphere, without this gravity the gases in our atmosphere would drift into space. Which is why Mars's atmosphere contains a very little amount of Oxygen, it when into space over millions of years. All other planets we have seen in our galaxy do not have the requirements for life, they are either too hot, too cold, too toxic, etc. And the odds of a planet meeting these requirements are astronomical.

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How will you show that gases are dissolved in water?

we can show that gases are dissolved in water by showing the gas escaping in the form of bubbles.

If global warming is happening how is it warming the planet?

The sun's rays (ultraviolet radiation) come through the atmosphere and warm the surface of the earth. This warmth rises in the form of infrared radiation into the atmosphere, where it is trapped by greenhouse gases. These are gases like carbon dioxide, methane and water vapour. The warmed gases spread the heat around and prevent it escaping into space. This is how global warming is warming the planet.


Force of gravity is what keeps the planets form colliding.

Why don't asteroids have atmospheres?

Asteroids are too small to have enough gravity to prevent any atmosphere form escaping.

What is one good hypothesis why the asteroids did not form a planet?

jupeters gravity disrupted their formation

Why isn't there a terrestrial planet form at the asteroid belt?

Jupiter's gravity kept planetesimals from accreting

Is there really evidence that there was a planet on the asteroid belt?

There certainly is enough material in the asteroid belt to form another planet, however the immense gravity of Jupiter prevented a planet from forming.

How does a nebula developes into a solar system?

The gases come together due to gravity and form a nebula which further form a star. it alo come sfrom

What do you call an object smaller than a planet but with gravity too weak to form a spherical shape?


Why scientists theorize that the asteroid belt did not form a planet?

scientists theorize that it was jupiters gravity that kept it from forming

What is a planet in the early stages of formation called?

It is called a 'proto-planet', this is the 'before-planet'-stage; It has gathered enough mass to form a large gravity field and cause a spherical shape.

Which two forces of a result is the orbit of the planet?

Gravity, which pulls an object inward, and inertia, which resists gravity. They combine to form a more-or-less circular orbit.