

Does gravity work in water

Updated: 6/25/2024
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15y ago

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YES for example if you stand on water you fall so it does and if your still saying does it work in the water well if i put your feet 5 centimeters in water you would still fall down.

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Yes, gravity still applies in water. Objects in water will sink or float based on their density and the buoyant force acting against gravity.

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Does gravity work through water?

Yes, gravity does work through water. Gravity is a fundamental force that attracts objects with mass towards each other, regardless of the medium they are in. In the case of water, objects still experience the force of gravity pulling them towards the Earth's center.

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By gravity. Water always runs downhill.

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There is gravity everywhere, including in water. However, we feel lighter in water because the water is supporting some of our weight. This buoyant force counteracts the force of gravity, making us feel weightless.

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Two forces that can work against gravity are lift (such as in the case of a plane generating lift to counteract gravity) and buoyancy (such as in the case of a buoyant object in water being pushed upwards).

How do you know that gravity works through water?

think of it this way if u throw a bucket of water the water will eventualy come down if gravity didnt work thru\ough it it would stay floating

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water, wind, waves, and gravity

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Gravity. If you have water in a high place, it tends to fall into a lower place.

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Moving water works by overcoming the force of gravity. Water moves downhill due to gravity, creating streams, rivers, and waterfalls. Wind, tides, and other forces can also influence water movement.

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Gravity causes water to flow downhill, turning the water wheel in the process. The weight of the water creates potential energy, which is converted into kinetic energy as the water falls onto the buckets of the wheel, causing it to rotate.

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Yes, peristalsis will work against gravity.

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Gravity pulls the water down more than it pulls the boat down.

Is their gravity in water?

There is gravity everywhere.