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Wein's Displacement Law explains the difference between long and shortwave radiation. Shortwave radiation has shorter, more high energy wavelengths (stronger with less distance to travel) while longwave radiation travels farther, but has less energy. Earth's radiation is 20 times longer than the maximum solar radiation, so it is referred to as longwave, while solar energy is referred to as shortwave radiation.

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Yes, the Sun generates electromagnetic radiation in every frequency band from the longest radio waves (lowest frequencies) all the way through radio, UHF, SHF, IR, light, UV, and all the way up to gamma radiation.

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Q: Does sunlight come in longwave radiation or shortwave?
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Where does long wave radiation come from in the energy budget?

Long wave radiation in the Earth's energy budget primarily comes from the Earth's surface. The surface absorbs shortwave radiation from the sun and then emits longwave radiation back into the atmosphere. This longwave radiation plays a crucial role in maintaining the Earth's energy balance.

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Electromagnetic waves found in sunlight are light waves, ultraviolet waves and cosmic waves.

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Comets emit primarily visible light, infrared radiation, and ultraviolet radiation. These emissions come from the heating and vaporization of their surface ices as they get closer to the sun.

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Radiation will always remain a particle so long as it doesn't come in contact with MOST direct sunlight, or water. In that case, water becomes irradiated and the Particle becomes part of the water..answer 2 electromagnetic radiation - radio waves do not involve particles. Sound waves, heat, and UV light etc also are radiation. 'Radiation' is also used in biology, to describe the spread .

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EM radiation higher in frequency than violet visible light but lower in frequency than soft x-rays.

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They both come from the sun.

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they both come from the sun

Radiation in a sentence?

when an astronaut go into outer space, they must be careful of the sun's radiation. fun fact: astronauts must be careful of the sun's radiation because when they are on earth, the atmosphere blocks out the majority of the sun's radiation. so, when they leave the earth's atmosphere, they are no longer as protected from the sun's harmful rays. cool, huh?:D

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Does carbon dioxide come from sunlight?

No ,