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Well, the Asteroid Belt is between Mars and Jupiter and Mars is the last inner planet also the 4th planet from the Sun. Jupiter is the 1st outer planet and 5th planet closest to the Sun. So, yes the asteroid belt separates inner planets and outer planets.

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Q: Does the asteroid belt separate the inner and outer planets?
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Is the asteroid belt in the inner or outer planets?

The asteroid belt is in-between the inner and outer planets.

What divides the inner planet and the outer planet?

Well, first there's the inner planets then there is the asteroid belt. The asteroid belt is what divides the inner and the outer planets. Is that what your looking for?

Why are planets named inner and outer planets?

The "inner" planets are on the "inside" of the asteroid belt, while the "outer" planets are on the "outside" of it

What is found between the inner and outer planets?

The asteroid belt is between the inner and outer planets, but mostly it is just empty space.

Separates the inner planets from the outer planets?

An asteroid (Rock) belt.

Is asteroid belt an inner or outer planet?

The asteroid belt is neither an inner or an outer planet; it is the belt of asteroids that seperate the inner from the outer planets

Is mars in or out of the asteroid belt?

Mars is an "inner planet", but it's not in the main asteroid belt. There are the inner planets, then the asteroid belt, then the outer planets.

Is Jupiter know for the outer or inner for the asteroid?

Jupiter is an outer planet, also called a Gas Giant. The Main Asteroid Belt divides the inner planets from the outer planets.

What are the planets inner and outer are divide into?

Well, if you're wondering what the inner planets and outer planets are it is the Asteroid Belt splitting them apart.

What is the name of the belt that separate the inner from the outer planets?

The asteroid belt orbits between the rocky planets and the gas giants.

What formation separates the inner planets from the outer planets?

The asteroid belt.

What splits the outer planets from the inner planets?

The main Asteroid Belt.