

Does the moon have quakes

Updated: 4/28/2022
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15y ago

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No, its mantle is dormant.

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Q: Does the moon have quakes
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yes im doing a project on sun quakes, moon quakes, and mars quakes

What was discovered when Apollo 11 went to the moon?

The Apollo 11 astronauts left a meter on the moon to find out if there are any moon quakes, well there are moon quakes, and they found it hostile windless and that there was no water on the moon then.

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does earth have moon quakes

What is discoveries did Apollo 11 make?

They discovered that the moon has moon quakes as well.

Are there moon quakes on the moon?

The moon does not have moon quakes; it appears to be 'geologically' dead. The moon's core is smaller in proportion than is earth's core. At one time the moon was volcanically active, but it is no longer. It has cooled sufficiently so that internal energy is no longer sufficient to produce such activity.

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Are there earthquakes in Iceland?

Of course! Though in Iceland, they're called Ice quakes, not earth quakes. Kind of like how there are moonquakes on the moon.

How severe are moon quakes compared to earths quakes?

Moonquakes are much less severe compared to earthquakes. Earthquakes can be very strong and moonquakes are mild.

What is the earth's biggest satellite that experiences quakes 3000 per year?

the moon

Does the moon have natural moon quakes?

im not sure about the awnswer but dont believe evrythinhg you read be cearfull from miss x

What are crustal disturbances on the moon?

They are called "moonquakes" but have different causes than the quakes on Earth.