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Yes, it has to do with the sun's gravitational pull.

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Q: Does the size of the planet affect it's period of rotation?
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How do Jupiter's density and period of rotation compare to Earth's?

Jupiter is less dense and has a shorter period of rotation.

Is the period of revolution dependent on the size of the planet?

No. The period of revolution depends on the size of the orbit of the planet.

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How long does it take Jupiter to spin 1 period of rotation?

jupiter is the fastest spinning planet. despite the large size, it only takes 9 hours and 55 minutes to do a full rotation. this meaning the surface is moving at 45,000 km/h.

Does the size of a planet affect the moons of a planet?

yes it does cause i got that in my essay

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How does the size of a planet affect the mass of a person?

It does not. Mass is independent of where an object is. Weight, however, will vary in direct proportion to the planet's gravity.

Explain how soil particle size would affect infiltration during a period of heavy rain?

Size matters

Does the size of a planet affect the time it takes to go around the sun?

no because the planet dose not go fast or slow about its weight it depens on the revalvtation.

How are the size and the orientation of the triangle affected by the rotation?

The size does not change and the orientation is altered by the extent of the rotation.

Planets do not collide into one another because?

Every planet has different size and is placed at different distance from the sun. The gravitational pull between the sun and the planet depends upon the distance and size of the planet and hence affects the speed of rotation and revolution of the planet around its own axes as well as around the sun. This specific distance and speed of revolution and rotation locks the planet in its orbit having specific radius which is unique for every planet. This is the reason they have separate path and speed to rotate around its own axes as well as around the sun. , hence they do not collide with each other.