

Does the sun count as a planet?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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15y ago

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no its a star

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Q: Does the sun count as a planet?
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If Earth is a planet why is it not part of the count?

It is part of the count. Earth is the third planet from the sun.

Does the moon and sun count as a planet?

No. The moon is a satellite and the sun is a star.

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Mercury is the first planet in the solar system.No, it is the first (closest). Earth is the thrid planet from our sun.

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Neptune because it is the farthest from the sun unless you count pluto which is further from the sun

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No. Currently there is no 10th planet. Dwarf planets do not count. Neptune is the 8th.

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Jupiter is the next proper planet after Mars unless you count the dwarf planet, Ceres. Ceres is the largest object in the asteroid belt.

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No human has ever orbited the sun, unless you count living on planet Earth as it orbits the sun.

Does the moon count as a planet?

No. A planet is an object that orbits a star such as the sun. Since the moon orbits the planet Earth rather than the sun it is considered a moon, also called a natural satellite.

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Saturday = Saturn as Sunday = Sun does not count as it is a star Monday = Moon does not count as it is a moon

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Saturn. (The exact number of rings depends on how you count them.)

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that would be Jupiter except if you count the sun

What planet has the biggest orbit?

The one farthest away from the sun. Pluto. If you don't count Pluto as a planet anymore, then Neptune. Orbits increase in size the farther away they are from the sun.