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its estimated to be 220 ~ 230 million years for the sun to rotate around the galactic core 360 degrees ... but we are about 1/2 out towards the edge of the galaxy from the galactic core ... and as such rotate slower than the most distant star ...

as such you cannot really gain how fast the galaxy is rotateing unless you know the rotation of the slowest ( or most distant ) item

we are generally ( if the galaxy were modelled on our solar system) in the position of the earth

giving our rotation of 365 days (630,000 years to one earth day)

if we imagine that the orbit of Pluto represents the extreme range of a solar body in rotation of the core

Pluto's Rotation 90,613.305 days x 630,000 = 57,000 billion years

as a point of interest The last time we were in the same place in our orbit dinosaurs were just starting to appear on the earth

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