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7000 N. The force of gravitation is mutual, and is always equal on both members of a pair of masses.

In other words, within my gravitational field, the earth weighs 185 pounds.

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4w ago

The satellite also exerts a gravitational force of 7000 N on Earth. By Newton's third law of motion, the forces of action and reaction are equal and opposite.

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13y ago

The force of 1,000N exerted by the orbiting communications satellite on the earth.

The gravitational force of attraction is always mutual.

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Q: Earth exerts a gravitational force of 7000 N on one of the communications satellites What force does the satellite exert on earth?
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Any two objects with mass will have a gravitational force. The orbit of planets around stars depends on the gravitational pull of the star. The Earth exerts a gravitational pull on its moon but the moon also exerts a pull on the Earth.

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An object that circles another object is said to be in orbit around it. The object being circled is typically larger and exerts a gravitational force that keeps the circling object in its path. Examples of such objects include the Moon orbiting the Earth and planets orbiting the Sun.

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The object with the most mass, as gravitational force is dependent on mass. Therefore the bowling ball exerts more gravitational force than a baseball or a football.

Does Earth exert gravity?

Anything that has mass exerts a gravitational field, so yes, earth exerts one.

What is the gravitational force that earth has?

Well.................. the gravitational force of earth exerts a force of 9.8m/s squared.

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The amount of gravitational pull an object exerts depends on its mass and the distance between it and another object. Gravitational force increases with mass and decreases with distance.

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Everything with mass exerts a gravitational force proportional to its mass.

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Can plasma manipulate gravity?

It does not have any special gravitational properties, if that's what you mean, but plasma has mass and therefore exerts a gravitational pull.