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If a star has some parallax - if its position against the background stars appears to be a teeny bit different in January than in July - then we know it's pretty close, and we can calculate precisely how far away it is.

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13y ago

You can determine the distance to a star using the distance modulus equation.

M = m+5-5log10(d)


m = M-5+5log10(d)

M = Absolute magnitude

m = Apparent magnitude

d = Distance in parsecs

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14y ago

If you count it in light years... NO! It would take more than 2,000 years to get from one star to the other!

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Q: How can you tell that some stars are relatively close to us in the sky?
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How can you tell which Pokerist server you are on?

yellow stars

The light from stars are used to determine what?

The light from stars can tell us what type of star it is (our Sun is a G type), the stars spectrum can tell us what elements are in the star, and its intristic brightness can help us determine how far away it is. Also, if there is a wobble in the star, or a change it the stars brightness can tell us if it has a planet.

Why is it that when you tell a person that there are 400 billion stars in the sky and he'll believe you tell him a bench is wet and he has to touch it?

Because no one knows the exact amount of stars, so when he believes you, you tell him another lie! ___________________ It's not that he believes you when you tell him there are 400 billion stars in the sky; it's that he has no way to test or verify it, or he already has some ideas about the answer, or both. He has to touch the bench, because he is curious, and he is a scientist and explorer (as are we all, down deep). We test what we are able to test, we learn what is there to be learned.

What reveals the stars temperature?

you can tell the temperature by its color

How many genearation of stars does the milky way contain?

Some of the white dwarf stars may be only first or second generation; some stars, like the Sun, are certainly at least 3rd. Some of the giant stars may be 4th or 5th; there's no way to tell. Small dim stars are very long-lived; very large, very bright stars may exhaust their fuel in only a few dozen million years. Some stars might easily be in the 8th or 10th generation; we really have no way to know.

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When look up at the stars at night they seem very close to earth is this accurate?

When you look at the stars at night, you can't really tell how distant they are. They can easily seem to be closer than they really are.

Why stars important to man?

Because stars can predict weathers. Stars can tell time. And stars can tell the right direction.

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you can normally tell when some 1 talks to u non stop always close to you

How did stars help early man?

For someone with some experience in starwatching, the stars can be used to tell directions, as well as the approximate time of night.

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It is not weird. Some siblings aren't as close as others. My sister doesn't tell me that she loves me, and we are close, she just isn't tell people how she feels very often.

Why do the stars appear to be close together even though they arent?

Because you cannot easily tell how much further away from us one star is than another.

What is the uses of stars?

stars tell the time even you dont have a watch

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tell him and see what he Sadie's our tell some one really close like other member of your family.

How can you tell when a number is relatively prime?

A number is never relatively prime.Relatively prime refers to a pair of numbers.

How can you tell if two numbers are relatively prime?

If their greatest common denominator (gcd) is 1, they're relatively prime.

How do you earn stars in tap zoo?

Near as I can tell you either have to pay real money and buy some or download apps (some free and some cost) and get them that way.

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not really but some types of sharks you can tell if they stay close that they are mother and baby but other than that i think its hard to tell weather they are related or not.