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They first used parallax which makes sense but now they use radar signals. Radar signals travel at the speed of light and they send a powerful one out to rebound off of a planet and time how long it takes to return.

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Q: How do scientists measure distance in space?
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It's more convenient for scientists. AU is the distance the earth is from the sun.

What measurement do scientists use for the distance between stars and Earth?

scientists use light-years to measure long distances in space. a light year, (abrviated ly) is the distance light can travel.

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What is the measurement used to measure distance in space?

Distance in space is measured in 'light years' or in 'scientific notation'

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a stick.

How do scientists use computers to measure distance from stars?

From what I remember in two geology classes, scientists measure the distance between a star and Earth by comparing "red shift," a shifting of certain bands of light toward the "red" end of the spectrum. The further the shifting, the greater the distance.

Why scientists use light years to measure distance in space in stead of kilometers?

It is far more convenient to express space distance in light years instead of kilometers. 1 light year = 9.4605 x 10^12 km 1 light year = 5.8745 x 10^12 miles

When would you use a light year?

When I want to measure a distance in space.

What two units are used to measure distance in space?

Lightyears and miles

Which unit would a scientist use for measuring the distance traveled by a car?

Scientists use Kilometers to measure distance traveled by a car

What unit of distance used to measure items in space?

Light years: the distance that light travels in a year.