

How do you safely observe the moon?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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10y ago

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you be a boss and just look at it

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10y ago
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Q: How do you safely observe the moon?
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How do you safely observe moon?

you be a boss and just look at it

What will you observe in the sky if the moon appears above the horizon before the sun has gone below the horizon?

You will observe both the Sun and the Moon.

What is one of the patters you observe on the moon?

a face>< __

What tools will i need to observe the moon?

a telescope

IF you could observe he moon from space what would happen?

You would see the moon.

What happen on the Apollo 11 and Apollo 13 what were the differentces?

The Apollo 11 went to the moon and returned safely to earth. But Apollo 13, did not land on the moon, as it exploded on the way to the moon, but it returned safely.

What was the first space rocket to reach the moon and return safely?

In December 1968, Apollo 8 was the first manned spacecraft to reach the moon and return safely. The astronauts aboard did no make a moon landing.

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What happened on the first moon landing?

The first men walked on the moon after landing on it safely.

How would the moon appear to an observe on earth if the moon did not rotate?

it would still appear to rotate

What was the Apollo sent to space to do?

It was sent to orbit the moon twice and land safely.

Who was first to observe a moon halo?

Our ancient ancestors will have seen these so it is impossible to say who was first to observe one.