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They both spin on an axis.

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Q: How does a moons motion compare to a planets motion?
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What is the motion of one object around another?

In planetary terms, when referring to the motion of planets and moons etc. the motion is describes as orbiting. Moons are on orbit around planets, while the planets are in orbit around the sun. An orbital motion.

Compare the sizes of the largest moons in the solar system and the smallest planets in the solar system?

Moons are larger, obviously.

How many moons do the suns have?

The Sun has no moons. Moons orbit Planets > Planets orbit the Sun.

What are moons to planets?

Moons are satellites of planets.

What is a moon and how does it move around the solar system?

Moons are approximately spherical objects which orbit planets and are smaller than the planets that they orbit, although they are still relatively large objects (so an orbiting dust particle does not qualify as a moon). Since moons orbit planets, their motion around the solar system is controlled by the planets that they orbit; planets orbit the sun, and planets take their moons with them.

How do planets get their moons?

moons are small planets caught in the gavity of bigger planets.

Does circular motion occurs only occures only on earth?

No, there are circular movements just about anywhere: planets, moons and stars rotating, planets orbiting their stars, moons orbiting their planets, and stars orbiting their galaxies, often in orbits that are fairly circular, etc.

Why the dwarf planets have moons?

planets have moons for day and night

Do planets and moons have stars?

On the contrary! A star has planets, which circulate it. And planets have moons. Stars do not circle planets.

Does the terrestrial planets have more moons than the outer planets?

Oh no, it is the outer planets which have the most moons. Terrestrial planets such as Earth have relatively few moons.

Do Planets and their moons emit light?

No. Planets and moons reflect light.

Do smaller planets have more moons?

No. Larger planets have more moons.