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Q: How does the kuiper belt effect earth?
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Is earth part of the Kuiper belt?

No. The Kuiper belt is thirty to fifty times farther from the sun than Earth is.

Is the kuiper belt hotter or colder than the earth?

It is far colder than Earth. The Kuiper Belt is very far from the warming influence of the sun. Subatnce that are normally gasses for us such as carbon diozixe and methane are frozen solid in the Kuiper Belt.

What is the donut-shaped region of comets the begins near Neptune's orbit?


How far is earth from the kuiper belt?

21 trillion AU

How far from earth is kuiper belt?

21 trillion AU

What are the names of the planets from the sun to Kuiper belt in order?

sun, mercury, venus, earth, mars, jupiter, saturn, uranus, neptune, kuiper belt

Who was the Kuiper belt named after?

The Kuiper Belt is named after Gerard Kuiper; he was one of the only scientists who had theories about the Kuiper belt in the early fifties

What is larger the asteroid or kuiper belt?

The Kuiper Belt is larger

Comets with short orbital period are located in what region?

kuiper belt thats all i know

What does Pluto dwells on on the inner Edge?

Kuiper belt

What color is the Kuiper Belt?

Black. Or transparent. The Kuiper Belt is mostly empty space. The objects in the Kuiper "Belt" are small, frozen, balls of nothing much left over from the formation of the solar system. They are, in general, too small to be seen from Earth, even with our biggest telescopes.

What is the full name of the kuiper belt?

The full name of the Kuiper Belt is the Edgeworth-Kuiper Belt. It is named for the astronomers Kenneth Edgeworth and Gerard Kuiper. The Kuiper Belt is a region of the Earths solar system that is found beyond the planets. It extends from the orbit of Neptune.