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well its because the orbit is really big and it could cover everything..

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2mo ago

The magnitude of a planet's velocity affects the shape and size of its orbit. A higher velocity can cause a planet to move in a more elongated elliptical orbit, while a lower velocity can result in a more circular orbit. The velocity also influences the planet's escape velocity, which determines if it can break free from its orbit.

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Q: How does the magnitude of the velocity affect a planet's orbit?
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What keeps the planets in orbit around the sun?

The gravitational force between the planets and the sun keeps them in orbit. The planets have enough velocity to counteract the pull of gravity, creating a stable orbit around the sun. This balance of gravitational force and velocity keeps the planets in their respective orbits.

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The farther a planet is from the sun the slower its orbit speed.

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Yes. Since the velocity changes all the time, there is an acceleration. The acceleration is towards the center of the Earth. Note that the speed need not change; velocity consists of a speed (magnitude) and a direction, and in a circular orbit, it is the direction that changes.Yes. Since the velocity changes all the time, there is an acceleration. The acceleration is towards the center of the Earth. Note that the speed need not change; velocity consists of a speed (magnitude) and a direction, and in a circular orbit, it is the direction that changes.Yes. Since the velocity changes all the time, there is an acceleration. The acceleration is towards the center of the Earth. Note that the speed need not change; velocity consists of a speed (magnitude) and a direction, and in a circular orbit, it is the direction that changes.Yes. Since the velocity changes all the time, there is an acceleration. The acceleration is towards the center of the Earth. Note that the speed need not change; velocity consists of a speed (magnitude) and a direction, and in a circular orbit, it is the direction that changes.

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It does. The planets have velocity and inertia that keep them in orbit; but they really ARE continuously falling towards the Sun, their velocity makes them miss it constantly though!

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Gravitational force, combined with the velocities of the planets. The force from the Sun is pulling the planets toward it, but the velocity of each planet is acting against this. The result is that the planets orbit the Sun. (The question is a bit mixed up, but it seems obvious what it's about.)

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You know that no planets actually orbit the earth right? ...?

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Do all the planets have smaller planets orbiting them?

No. Planets orbit suns, while moons orbit planets. Planets do not orbit planets.

How are the planets held in their orbit?

Planets are held in their orbits around the Sun by gravity. The gravitational pull from the Sun keeps the planets moving in their elliptical paths. This balance between the planet's velocity and the gravitational force from the Sun keeps them in a stable orbit.

Gravity is the reason that the planets stay in orbit around the sun?

It is half the reason, at least. Gravity is the force pulling the planets towards the sun, but they also have a velocity working perpendicular to it. With the velocity alone, the planets would fly off into space. With gravity alone, the planets would be pulled into the sun.

How many moons do the suns have?

The Sun has no moons. Moons orbit Planets > Planets orbit the Sun.

How fast do the planets orbit the earth?

The planets do not orbit the Earth, they orbit the sun.