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The gravity of any body affects all other bodies.

In particular the gravity of the Moon creates the tides in bodies of water here on Earth. It also affects our planet's orbit and angle of tilt relative to the plane of its orbit.

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Q: How does the moons gravity affect your planet?
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Does the planet with the most moons get the strongest gravity?

In our solar system, at least, the planet with the greatest mass does happen to be the one with the most known moons. But I think the cause and effect work the other way. It's not the moons that give the planet strong gravity. It's the strong gravity of the planet that captures a bunch of moons.

Does the moons gravity affect the ocean?

Yes, the moons gravity effects when the tide comes in and goes out.

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the gravitational pull of the gravity of the planet so in other words bigger planets more gravity, smaller planet less gravity. usually bigger planets have more moons

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Tidal movements result mainly from the pull of the moons gravity on the ocean.

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Gravity. As the planet rotates it's mass holds it's moons within it's orbit. The larger the planet the stronger is its gravitational pull.

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What are the planets that affect gravity?

every planet

Why are there no moons on smaller planet?

because the smaller planets have less mass, which means less gravity, so they won't attract any moons.

How do moons orbit the planets?

the planets do not orbit the moon but the moon orbits the planets because of gravity and inertia

Why are there no moons around moons?

Most moons orbit close enough to their planets that the planet's gravity would render any orbit around a moon unstable in the long term.