

How far away is Voyager 1 from earth?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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11y ago

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Voyager 1Voyager 1 is 8.2 billion kilometers from the Sun. The distance to the Earth varies depending on the time of year so the distance to the Sun is a much more constant measurement.

On September 9, 2012, Voyager 1 was 121.836 AU (1.82264×1010 km; 1.13254×1010 mi) from the Earth and traveling at 17.043 km/s (38,120 mph) (relative to the Sun) and traveling outward at about 3.595 AU per year.

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Q: How far away is Voyager 1 from earth?
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How far is voyager 1 away from the sun?

800,000,000,000 miles away

How far away are voyager 1 and voyager 2 now?

voyager 1 has just finished going around the outer planets: Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune. now it's nearing the edge of our Galaxy. i don't know about voyager 2 sorry!

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As of December '08 Voyager 1 is about 10 billion miles from Earth

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On November 17, 1998, Voyager 1 overtook Pioneer 10 as the most distant man-made object from Earth. As of January 2011, it is around 116 AU from earth, where 1 AU (Astronomical Unit) is 93 million miles (distance of earth to sun).

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The farthest probe away from Earth is Voyager 1. As of 2011, it hasn't left the solar system, but it will relatively soon. When it does, it will continue sending back data about the parts of outer space that it is in. The craft Voyager two, which not quite as far away as Voyager 1, will do the same thing. The crafts Pioneer 10 and 11 are also headed out of the solar system, but we no longer have radio contact with them, so they will just be objects flying through space.

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The furthest man-made object from Earth is space probe Voyager 1,launched 1977.It is,as of May 9,2011,about 17,300,000,000km from the Sun.

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Voyager 2 was launched on Aug. 20, 1977. Voyager 1 was launched on Sept. 5, 1977. On March 7, Voyager 1 was 17.4 billion kilometers (10.8 billion miles) away from the sun. Voyager 2 was 14.2 billion kilometers (8.8 billion miles) away from the sun, on a different trajectory. To my knowledge these are objects are the farthest man made creations from our star.

How far from earth is voyager 1?

Voyager 1Voyager 1 is 8.2 billion kilometers from the Sun. The distance to the Earth varies depending on the time of year so the distance to the Sun is a much more constant measurement. On September 9, 2012, Voyager 1 was 121.836 AU (1.82264×1010 km; 1.13254×1010 mi) from the Earth and traveling at 17.043 km/s (38,120 mph) (relative to the Sun) and traveling outward at about 3.595 AU per year.

How many miles has the Voyager 1 spacecraft traveled so far?

Remember, the question is how many miles has the Voyager 1 spacecraft traveled, (Not how far is it from the sun or Earth). Voyager 1 left Earth on 09/05/1977 and today is 06/28/2013. That is approximately 35 3/4th years. In October of 1978, Voyager 1 was traveling at a speed of 34,422 mph, 55397 kph. By March 1979 she had increased her speed to a top speed of 82,935 mph, 133471 kph during her fly by of Jupiter. There are current readings that Voyager 1 is now traveling at a diminishing speed of 37,500 mph, 60,350kph. After all the calculations of the speed differential and speed duration, the average speed is calculated to 37,900 mph. That would mean that the approximate total miles that Voyager 1 has traveled is 11,869,770,400 miles or 19,102,543km. Now the distance from the Sun to Voyager 1 is approximately 122 AUs (Astronomical units). An AU is the distance from the Earth to the sun and that is approximately 92,955,807 miles, 149597870 km which would make the distance from the sun to Voyager 1, 11,340,608,454 miles.

How far away is the galaxy malin 1 from earth?

About 1141 million light-years.