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planet mars

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Q: How far does mars travel around the sun in km?
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How far does the sun orbit around mars?

Mars rotates around the sun. the sun oesn't move

How far does it take for the sun to travel around the sun in 3 months?

the sun does not travel around its self

How long does it take for mars to travel once around the sun?

1.88 years.

How long does mars take orbit the sun in earth years?

It takes mars 687 days for mars to travel around the sun once

How long does it take for mars to travel around sun?

One Mars orbit takes 687 earth days.

In miles how far away is mars from sun?

Around 140 million miles

How far is the mars in kilometers from the sun?

Mars is 267,000,000 kilometers away from the sun.

How far is Mars from the sun and does it orbit?

mars is the 4th planet from the sun and it does orbit

What path does Mars have around the sun?

the path mars has around the sun is an orbit

What causes mars and saturn to have years lengths?

Saturn is further from the sun than is Mars, so it has to travel further to go around the Sun once. As a result it takes Saturn longer to go around the Sun than it takes Mars. Since a year for any planet is the time it takes for it to go around the sun, the year for Saturn is longer than the year for Mars.

How far is mars away from the sun in feet?

Mars is 754,593,175,850 feet away from the sun.

How far is Mars from the sun on average?

Mars is 227,936,640 km from the sun, it's the fourth planet from the sun