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This is a fairly challenging question to address, since there are so many different types of stars in this universe, and because weight and mass do not mean the same thing.

In our own galaxy, the Milky Way, roughly 80% of the stars are red dwarfs. Since red dwarfs typically have about 1/5 the mass of our sun, and since the sun's mass is roughly 2,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 (2 E+30) kilograms, then about 80% of stars (red dwarfs) in our galaxy have roughly 416,000,000,000,000,032,000,000,000,000 (4.16 E+29) kilograms of mass, which works out to about 917,123,010,689,090,745,280,000,000,000 (9.17 E+29) pounds.

Again, mass and weight are not really the same thing. Mass is the measure of the amount of matter that makes up an object, and weight is the measure of gravitational acceleration that mass undergoes, in a given inertial frame of reference - for example, close to the earth's surface.

This will probably confuse things, but for your question to really make any sense, it needs to be recast as: "What is the weight of a star on the surface of earth?" Meaning, if it were possible to put a typical star on a scale on the surface of the earth, what would that star weigh?

Now, among galaxies in the observable universe, our Milky Way is fairly typical (it is a "barred spiral"), so it is probably safe to say that roughly 80% of the stars in most galaxies throughout the universe are red dwarfs.

So, to answer your question, in an extremely broad sense, the weight of a star *on earth* would be about 416,000,000,000,000,032,000,000,000,000 kilograms, or about 917,123,010,689,090,745,280,000,000,000 pounds.

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2mo ago

The weight of a star depends on its size and composition. Stars can range in mass from a fraction of the sun's mass to many times that of the sun. For example, our sun weighs about 2 x 10^30 kilograms.

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14y ago

Far as I know

Lightest star AB Doradus C had mass of 1.77 x 1029 kg

Heaviest star Eta Carinae had mass of 3 x 1032 kg

So I believe it is safe to say an average star having mass of

150,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 kg

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12y ago

I Don't Know How Much it weighs

you probably can't weigh one

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13y ago

a star fish weight is 35.23

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What describes giant stars?

Giant stars are massive, luminous stars that have reached the later stages of their life cycle. They are larger and hotter than main sequence stars, like our Sun, and are often in the process of expanding and cooling as they exhaust their nuclear fuel. Giant stars are crucial for the creation of heavy elements in the universe through nucleosynthesis processes.

Why do you think the first generation of stars would be different from stars born today?

The first generation of stars is believed to have formed from pristine gas with fewer heavy elements compared to stars today, affecting their composition and behavior. Additionally, the first stars likely formed in different environments with higher densities and temperatures, influencing their size, mass, and lifespan. These differences may have led to the unique characteristics of the first generation stars compared to those born in the present universe.

Significant of dead stars?

Dead stars, such as white dwarfs, neutron stars, and black holes, play a crucial role in understanding the lifecycle of stars and the universe. They contribute to the formation of new stars by enriching the interstellar medium with heavy elements. They also serve as laboratories for testing theories of physics under extreme conditions. Additionally, the remnants of dead stars can provide insights into the history and evolution of our galaxy.

Where in the universe are heavy elements made?

Heavy elements are primarily produced in the cores of massive stars through nuclear fusion processes during their lifetimes. Elements heavier than iron are often formed through supernova explosions, where the intense heat and pressure create the conditions necessary for the fusion of lighter elements. Additionally, elements like gold and platinum can also be produced in neutron star collisions, where the rapid neutron capture process, or r-process, takes place.

Do red stars blowup?

Red stars, like red giants or red supergiants, can undergo a massive explosion called a supernova when they reach the end of their life cycle. This explosion releases an immense amount of energy and creates heavy elements that are then scattered into space.

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Why don't you see stars at night?

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Generally, the more massive a star is, the more luminous they are. The most luminous stars appear blue.

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