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Q: How long did it take Curiosity the rover to fly from Earth to Mars?
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How long did curiosity take to go and land on mars?

Curiosity, NASA's Mars rover, was launched on November 26, 2011, and it landed on Mars on August 6, 2012. The journey from Earth to Mars took approximately 253 days for the rover to reach its destination and successfully land in the Gale Crater.

How long does it take for commands form earth to a rover in mars?

2 months

How long has the Mars rover been on Mars?

There's no specific time limit for how long a rover can last on Mars. Accidents and mechanical failure can affect the ability of a rover to survive. The Opportunity rover has so far been working almost non-stop for seven years. Its twin rover Spirit has not been heard from in almost a year and may no longer be functional.

How long will the Mars rover be on Mars?

For ever!

How long did it take for curiosity to get to Mars?

It took Curiosity 253 days to land on the planet Mars

How fast or long did it take Curiosity to get to Mars?

Apparently it took curiosity 8 months.

How big usually is a Mars rover?

In theory, a Mars Rover could be any size desired. However, there are limits to the size and mass of objects launched from Earth and designed to be hard-landed on the surface. The original Mars rover, Pathfinder, was about 2 feet long. The two Mars rovers currently active, Opportunity and Spirit, are about 5 feet tall, and 6 feet long and wide. On Earth, each would weigh about 385 pounds, but on Mars they weigh less than 100.

How long did it take to create the mars rover?


How long did it take curiosity to get to mars?

8.5 months

How long it take to curiosity to rich Mars?

9 months

Is there anywhere a land rover could land on mars?

Landing on Mars is easy; there are no bodies of water on Mars, it's all solid land. The difficult part is getting there from Earth. It's a long voyage.

Why does the Mars rover have solar panels?

As the Mars rover would be on the planet for a long time it would have to use solar energy alone to move around.