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4.25 years, because it is 4.25 light years away.

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Q: How long does it take for light to travel from alpha cenauri to earth?
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Alpha particles ejected from the nucleus travel at the speed of light?

No. Alpha particles are helium nuclei; such nuclei have a mass, and can therefore NOT travel at the speed of light.

How many years pass before light from Alpha Centauri reaches earth?

Alpha Centauri is a triple star system. Alpha Centauri A, B & C or Proxima Centauri. Alpha Centauri A & B are 4.37 light years from the Earth whereas Alpha Centauri C is 4.243 light years.

How long does it take light to travel from Alpha Centaury the nearests star to your sun to your solar system?

4.3 light years===========================Sorry. "Light year" is an answer to "how far", not "how long".Alpha Centauri is about 4.4 light years away from our solar system and everything in it,which means that it takes AC's light about 4.3 years to get here.

How long does it take light to travel to the nearest star to us?

The nearest star to us is the SUN. It takes light about 8 minutes to travel from the Sun to Eart. #The next nearest star is Alpha Centurii. Light takes about 4.5 years to travel from this star to Earth.

How far from earth is alpha?

Roughly 4.3 light years.

Light to travel from sun to earth?

It takes approximatly 7minutes to travel from sun to earth the sun light.

The light travels from Alpha Centauri to Earth in?

The distance has been generally presented in Light-years, which is the distance light travels in one-year. The distance to Alpha Centari is 4.7 light-years (alpha Centari is 4.3 light-years distance).

How far would it take to travel to alpha centaure?

Toliman (Alpha Centauri) is at a distance of 4.3 light-years. That means it would take a ray of light 4.3 years to travel from here to Toliman, or from Toliman to here.

What are the waves that travel from the sun to earth?

Light waves travel from sun to the earth.

How many time does light travel around the earth in one second?

light can travel around earth about seven times

Is alpha centauri a planet?

No. Alpha centaurii or Proxima centaurii (Proxima=Closest in Latin) is the closest star to earth except the sun, with an approx. distance of 4.28 lightyears (the distance that light can travel in 4.28 years). so alpha centaurii is a star not a planet. if it has planets orbiting around it is unknown.

What does light travel as to get from the sun to earth?

As light, of course.