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The sun will spend a total of about 10 billion years as a yellow dwarf. A little less than half of that time has already passed.

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Q: How long is the yellow dwarf stage in the Sun's life?
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White Dwarf then Black Dwarf=Dead Star

What will be the final stage in the suns life?

For a star like ours, the black dwarf stage For an immensely massive star, a back hole.

Steps in the life of a star?

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It is a red dwarf

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It depends on what size the sun is. If there were two yellow dwarfs (our sun is a yellow dwarf) then the suns would burn up the plant life and the water would become too hot to drink, let alone support life. If it was two RED dwarfs, I wouldn't know the exact effects it would have on the earth since red dwarfs are weaker and cooler than our sun. It most likely would change the lighting of earth however.

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What is the life cycle of a yellow star?

Nebula protostar mid sized star red giant nova white dwarf black dwarf:)

What is the average life span of a supernova?

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What is the last stage in the life cycle of earth's sun?

The core will be known as a white dwarf, while the outer regions will be known as a planetary nebula.In the end of the life cycle of the Sun, the white dwarf will release all of its remaining heat and will evolve into a cold dark mass known as a black dwarf.

Is the Sun a main-sequence star or black dwarf?

The Sun is a yellow dwarf. The term main sequence is a period in a stars life. If the Sun was a black dwarf, we would have all died billions of years ago. See related questions.