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Q: How many aliens are on Mars or has Mars currently have no life on it?
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Would we be considered to be space aliens if we went to Mars?

since we are not native to mars (many contradicting theories exist but we will ignore those for now) we will be aliens from space (earth) when we visit mars.

How many aliens are there in Mars?

100 i know this because i saw them

How many aliens are on mars?

NONE!!! only bacteria as so proved... from what scientists know, there are no aliens on mars. but aliens could exist, but i guess this is the question most of us always come back to... aaaah, boraat like

Are there aliens on some distant planet?

First, no aliens are known to exist, anywhere. No alien life has been found on Mars or anywhere else. We hope there is other life out there, but we have no proof any other life exists. However, someone has to be the first form of intelligent life in the universe, and there is no evidence that it isn't just us. Second, no human has yet to land on Mars. IF humans were to land on Mars, the humans would be the aliens there. Not that anyone has been able to prove, sorry. The "Mars Meteors" do not seem to be life infested as people once thought.

How many pages does Mars Life have?

Mars Life has 432 pages.

Is there any aliens on the universe?

yes there are many of them on mars and in the future i think they will visit our planet ('Earth')

Why is there no green house effect on mars?

Mars has little to no atmosphere to hold the 'greenhouse gasses' nor a way to make them. We don't see many polluting aliens....sadly.

Where is there believed to of been extraterrestrial life?

There is no place *believed* to contain alien life, but the Universe is big, so there are many places it *might* be. Sometimes the moon, but it has been said that there might be some life on Mars because they have found a patch of ice, which might mean water. So if there is water, then there might some extraterrestrial life on Mars, or the aliens might have cryogenated (frozen) inside the ice.

Why do people disagree with life on Mars?

Because they want many concrete evidences that proves that there is life on Mars.

Are there little green men on Mars?

There is currently no evidence of little green men or any form of intelligent life on Mars. Scientists are continuing to search for signs of past or present life on the planet, but so far no conclusive evidence has been found.

How many aliens live on mars?

Shut up you retard. Theres like 100. I would know, im a part of NASA!

Can Mars have life?

It is becoming more and more likely that life will exist on mars. This is because mars has many quality's that the earth has. It is possible, that in a a few million years (although this is not by any means definite) that life will fully exist on mars.