

How many rings does Planet x have?

Updated: 6/23/2024
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13y ago

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By 'planet X' if you mean Niburu, there is NO evidence that it even exists. besides, with the size that it is predicted to be, there is no way that it could support a ring system. if you mean Planet X as in, the tenth planet in the solar system, you are talking about the dwarf planet Pluto, which has no rings.

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13y ago
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12y ago

ummm.... i dont know but pluto might not have any rings...........yh just looked it up it sayes unknown....... Many Scientists dont know facts about pluto because it is so far away so not many astronauts have been on pluto...

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1mo ago

Planet X is a hypothetical planet that has not been confirmed to exist. Therefore, the number of rings it may have is unknown.

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6y ago

Pluto does not have any rings. Only the four gas giant planets have rings:

  1. Jupiter
  2. Saturn
  3. Uranus
  4. Neptune
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6y ago

None observed so far.

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