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Q: How many tidal bulges are there on earth at one time?
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Only one side of the moon faces Earth because?

This is common for most moons. - Assuming that the Moon ever rotated faster than now, over time it would have rotated slower and slower, due to tidal forces. (Similarly, if it rotated slower, such tidal forces would have make it rotate faster.) Similarly, the Earth's rotation slows down over time, and in a far future, it will always face the same side to the Moon.

If the force of gravity between the earth and moon were reduced how might the Moon's orbit change?

The force of gravity varies with the inverse square of the distance. That means if the distance were doubled, the force would decrease to one-quarter. So if the Moon were to move to 90% of its current distance, the force of the Moon's gravity on things on Earth would increase by 23%. The effect of this gravity on things on Earth would be 23% higher than "almost negligible"; the only visible effect would be on the tides.

What tides are on the moon?

The correct term is tides 'from' the moon. All major objects in space have a gravitational pull. The moon, being close to the Earth, has a major gravitational pull on the Earth's water. This is called a tide. The tides can go up and down depending on how far or close the moon is and the rotation of the Earth. Also, the tides are usually scheduled on a time basis.

Is the tidal theory similar to nebular theory?

The Tidal Theory suggests that the Earth came from materials pulled out of the Sun. At first, the Sun existed by itself until another star passed quite close to it and caused great tides. Some of the gas in the Sun's outer layer were torn away and in time massed together into the bodies called planets, including the Earth. Sir James Jeans was the English mathematician and physicist who advanced this theory which was widely accepted at one time.

Is the Moon's orbit shrinking?

No. Tidal forces resulting from the interaction of the earth and moon are pulling the moon away from the Earth at a rate of about 1/8th of an inch per year. Thus, the moon is orbiting the Earth about 1 foot further than it was a century ago. The earth is spinning on its axis much faster than the moon is orbiting earth. Both movements are in the same direction, from west to east. Because of the earth's spin, the tidal bulge of the oceans is actually caused to precede the moon a little; the bulge is literally pushed ahead relative to where you would calculate it to be based on tidal force alone. Now the over-all effect this has on the shape and gravity of the earth actually tugs the moon forward, and this tug is working to move the moon's orbit slightly outward.

Related questions

The is caused by the earths rotation?

Earth's rotation is slowing slightly with time; thus, a day was shorter in the past. This is due to the tidal effects the Moon has on Earth's rotation.

What is the Definition for tidal period?

time it takes for one tidal cycle

Only one side of the moon faces Earth because?

This is common for most moons. - Assuming that the Moon ever rotated faster than now, over time it would have rotated slower and slower, due to tidal forces. (Similarly, if it rotated slower, such tidal forces would have make it rotate faster.) Similarly, the Earth's rotation slows down over time, and in a far future, it will always face the same side to the Moon.

Where does the earth stop?

No, the spin of the earth is slowing (due to tidal friction with the moon) and the moon is being pushed further away all the time but the earth will not stop spinning. Also the earth orbits the Sun and this will continue as well.

If the force of gravity between the earth and moon were reduced how might the Moon's orbit change?

The force of gravity varies with the inverse square of the distance. That means if the distance were doubled, the force would decrease to one-quarter. So if the Moon were to move to 90% of its current distance, the force of the Moon's gravity on things on Earth would increase by 23%. The effect of this gravity on things on Earth would be 23% higher than "almost negligible"; the only visible effect would be on the tides.

Why do scientists study Earth's tidal patterns?

Earth tide is the sub-meter motion of the Earth of about 12 hours or longer caused by Moon and Sun gravitation, also called body tide which is the largest contribution globally. Due to the cyclic rotation of the earth and moon, the tidal cycle is 24 hours and 52 minutes long. During this time, any point on the earth's surface experiences two high tides and two low tides. When the sun, moon, and the earth are lined up, the sun and moon are exerting their strongest force together and tidal ranges are at their maximum. Scientist claim Tidal forces may have contributed to triggering the devastating magnitude 9.0 Sumatra earthquake of 2004 and other large earthquakes in the region. Also scientists are studying tidal ecosystems to understand how they might be affected by man made machinery.

Over millions of years is the Earth getting closer to the Sun or farther away from the Sun?

The Earth is getting very, very slightly farther away from the Sun over time, due to tidal forces.

Is there a tidal lock between the sun and the earth?

No. A "tidal lock" causes the orbiting body to point the same face to the primary body all the time. The Moon is tidally locked to the Earth, for example, and we always see the same side of the Moon. Only 21 human beings have ever looked at the far side of the Moon.

If a sealed carton of yougurt is left for a long time the lid bulges upwards?


Why you only see one side of the moon?

The Moon rotates in such a way that it shows us the same side all the time. In other words, the Moon's rotation period now exactly equals the time the Moon takes to complete one orbit around the Earth. This must have been caused by the Earth's tidal forces acting on the Moon. Earth is rotating slower and slower due to these same tidal forces; in the far future, it will show the same side to the Moon all the time.

How long do the two movements of the earth last?

The Solar System is about 4.6 billion years old; the Earth formed around that time, and has been orbiting the Sun, and rotating, since then.Note that Earth's rotation has been slowing down over time, due to tidal forces, mainly from the Moon.

What tides are on the moon?

The correct term is tides 'from' the moon. All major objects in space have a gravitational pull. The moon, being close to the Earth, has a major gravitational pull on the Earth's water. This is called a tide. The tides can go up and down depending on how far or close the moon is and the rotation of the Earth. Also, the tides are usually scheduled on a time basis.