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Q: How much does an astronauts moon boots weigh on earth?
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Related questions

Why do astronauts weigh less on the moon then they do on earth?

because of gravity

Why do astronauts weigh less on the Moon than on the Earth?

the moon is smaller than earth, thus it has less gravity

Why do astronauts weigh Less on moon than they do on earth?

Because the moon's gravity is approximately 1/6th of that on Earth.

Do astronauts use athletic shoes for moon boots?


Why is their a difference in your weight on earth than on Saturn?

Same reason the astronauts bounce around on the Moon. The Moon is smaller than Earth, so we weigh less. Saturn is bigger than Earth, so we would weigh more.

Why do astronauts walk funny on the moon?

Becuz of ther boots

You are you lighter on the moon or heavier?

Since the moon's mass (the amount of matter it contains) is smaller than earth's, the moon has a weaker gravity pull, only one-sixth the pull of earth. This means that everything is six times lighter on the moon than it is on earth. A person weighing 120 pounds on earth would weigh only 20 pounds on the moon. Because man is light enough to float on the moon, heavy weights have to be put into astronauts' moon-walking boots!

Who has been to earth's moon?


What was Buzz Aldrin's foot size when he landed on the moon?

The boots of the astronauts are very large.We can see them by the footprints on the moon.

Would an astronant weigh less on on the moon then on the earth?

Yes. This is why they wear extra weight on their boots to keep them from floating above the surface of the moon. The moon has less gravitational pull due to its smaller size compared to the Earth.

How much would you weigh on the moon if you weighed 60 pounds?

If you weigh 60 pounds on earth, then you would weigh 9.8pounds on the moon,not counting the space suit, air conditioner, boots, air tanks, and all the other stuffyou'd need in order to survive on the moon.

Can the astronauts talk on the surface of moon as on the earth?

no there is no air in the surface of the moon