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A light year is the distance that light can travel in a year.

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A light-year (ly) is a unit of distance, not time, and it represents the distance that light travels in a vacuum in one year. It is approximately 9.46 trillion kilometers or 5.88 trillion miles.

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Q: In astronomy and distances of the universe how much is a ly?
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What does astronomical term LY mean?

LY stands for light year, which is a unit of distance in astronomy. It represents the distance that light travels in one year in a vacuum, approximately 9.461 trillion kilometers. It is commonly used to describe vast distances in the universe.

What mysteries are in astronomy?

There are numerous vast amounts of objects that are in space that we cannot determine. It would take too much time to find everything in the universe. Planets such as GCP-925 (which is millions of ly away) is half the size of earth, has a oxygen-rich enviornment, and has lung-like creatures living on it. This is as far as we can go to the various things our universe holds.

What does ly stand for in Astronomy?

That is short for "light-year" - the distance light travels in a year. Approximately 9.5 million million kilometers.

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regularyhorriblynormallystupidlyPretty much anything with 'ly' at the end.

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scientists use light-years to measure long distances in space. a light year, (abrviated ly) is the distance light can travel.

How do you figure a sale increase over last year sales?

(TY-LY)/LY=%increase TY = This Year LY = Last Year (TY-LY)/LY=%increase TY = This Year LY = Last Year

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The suffix in promptly is -ly. The -ly changes prompt to an adverb.

Why might one 'side' of the universe not be able to see the other 'side'?

First of all, there are no "sides" to our Universe, unless you want to refer to "that infinitesmally small part of our Universe that we can presently see" as "the Universe." The totality of our Universe has no center, thus it also has no "side." There are, however, "parts" of our Universe, and not all parts can see all other parts. In our case, we can only see objects about 46 billion light-years* away, meaning we see only a VERY small part of the total Universe. It's because there's only been 13.78 billion years for any light from any object to travel towards us. That means any object whose light would have needed 14 billion years to reach us, won't be seen by us. * Yes, 46 billion ly, not 13.8 billion ly. The reason that we can see that far is a bit technical, but is a consequence of our expanding Universe.

How big is our universe?

There is no number big enough to tell what the space is for our universe! Actually, here we go... SA=3.14x10^11 LY sq If SA is surface area, 3.14 is PI, 10 is 10,000,000,000,000. and 11, a multiply er of 11,000,000,000,000, LY being light years, and sq being squared. The universe at this time, being approximately 110,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 Light years across, according to the Holographic Theory, then the universe is 110,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 x3.14159 ... 345,574,9000,000,000,000,000,000,000, LYs Sq'd, expanding at a LY a second, 9,460,528,410,545,436.2688 meters, and 5,878,625,373,184 miles. miles each second. Increasing this number per second, making this sum worthless. As by now, even half a second after reading this, the numbers have changed. So, there's no way to now because by now, now... it's expanded at 17635876119552 miles... THIS IS ROUGH ESTIMATES BASED ON UNPROVEN THEORY'S ,

What is the suffix of the word unfortunately?

A suffix is the ending of a word. The suffix of the word, unfortunately, is -ly.