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Depends on how you classify shining.

The Sun will stop being the small "yellow" object in the sky in about 4.5 billion years.

It will then turn into a red giant, a massive object that will almost touch Earth - not that anything will be alive to see it. That will last for about another billion years.

After that, it will shed it's outer layers in a planetary nebula, taking most of the surface of Earth with it.

All that is left, is a hot white dwarf, that will still have heat to radiate, and that will continue for billions of billions of years.

So, the Sun will still shine in billions of years time, but "not as we know it"

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Q: In how many years will the sun stop shining?
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Will the sun stop shining?

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The Sun is currently in the middle of its life, and has been approximately shining for 5 billion years. It will die out in 5 billion years also, but the human race will be long gone before that happens. The sun has been shining for about 4.6 billion years and it will continue to shine for about 5 billion more years

Is the sun going to stop shining in 20-30 billion years?

No. The sun will run out of fuel in about 7 billion years, but the white dwarf remnant will continue to shine with leftover heat, albeit much more dimly, for several trillion years.

What is the negation of the statement The Sun is shining?

The negation of the sentence the sun is shining would be that the sun is not shining.

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