

Is Capella a main sequence star?

Updated: 7/5/2023
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12y ago

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Yes, but technically Capella isn't just no because it is actually a star system consisting of 4 stars in 2 binary pairs. For the first pair they are type-G GIANT stars, with a radius 10x the Sun's in a close orbit around each other, they are thought to be cooling by many astronomers and are on their path to becoming a red giant. The second pair are small, cool (compared to other stars), red dwarfs. The two pairs are about 10,000 astronomical units apart (1,500,000 km./930,000 mi.).

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12y ago

Capella is the brightest star in the constellation Auriga.

To the visual eye, it looks like a single star, but is in fact 4 stars comprised of two binary pairs.

The first pair are a set of G-type stars (Like our Sun) that are coming to the end of their lives.

The second pair are a set of red dwarfs.

All four are still on the main sequence.

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