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No, it's the third planet from the Sun- Mercury is the closest planet, followed by Venus.
Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun, followed by Venus and then the Earth. So the Earth is the third planet from the Sun.

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13y ago
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16y ago

No, it is not. As a general rule, the closer a planet is to the sun, the hotter it is. Certain things like the presence of an atmosphere or internal geological activity may cause some planets/moons to vary from the general rule, but distance from the sun by itself has an effect that is predictable.

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10y ago

Since the Earth is on a tilted axis, there are times of year when certain parts of the world are cold, and certain parts are hot, even when the Earth is closer to the Sun.

The earth is closest to the sun (aphelion) in early January. In the northern hemisphere this corresponds well with the coldest part of winter. Therefore earth's tilt has far more to do with seasonal temperature than its distance from the sun.

Also, earth's closest approach to the sun is not substantially closer than its average distance from the sun. The difference is less than 2%.

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13y ago

It' s not clear what this question means.

The earth is getting closer to the sun every 1 million years because of the gravity of the Sun.

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12y ago

No, Earth Is The third closest, Mercury is the closest to the Sun.

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12y ago

mostly hot because of the molten lava below surface level.

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11y ago

No its the 3rd in distance from the sun....

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Q: Is Earth the closest planet to the Sun?
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Mars is a planet. So the Sun is the closest star to Earth.

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The sun is not considered a planet, it's considered a star. It is however the closest star to Earth. Earth is also the third planet from the sun. Hence the name "third rock from the sun". Venus is the closest planet from the sun at around 25.5 million miles away.