No, Cronus is the equivalent of Saturn and Jupiter's Greek name is Zeus.
Jupiter's father is Saturn, who was also known as Cronus in Greek mythology.
In Greek mythology, Cronus (or Kronos) is associated with the planet Saturn. Just like how Cronus was the father of Zeus in mythology, Saturn is the father of Jupiter in our solar system, with Jupiter being the Roman equivalent of Zeus.
Evidently, as when Zeus wrestled with Cronus, Cronus lost.
No, Cronus is not Demeter's father. Demeter's father is Cronus's brother, Zeus, making Cronus Demeter's uncle.
the names of jupiter are as follows: jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter and last but not least JuPiTeR
Jupiter's father was not a god. He was a titan, Cronus.
Jupiter the Roman god was identified with Greek Cronus.
Zeus and cronus
In Roman mythology, Saturn (also known as Cronus in Greek mythology) was the father of Jupiter (Zeus in Greek mythology). Saturn was a powerful god and ruler of the universe before being overthrown by Jupiter. This relationship established Jupiter as the next ruler and earned him the title of father.
Jupiter's father is Saturn, who was also known as Cronus in Greek mythology.
In Greek mythology, Cronus (or Kronos) is associated with the planet Saturn. Just like how Cronus was the father of Zeus in mythology, Saturn is the father of Jupiter in our solar system, with Jupiter being the Roman equivalent of Zeus.
Cronus and Saturn are the same character from Greek and Roman mythology, respectively. They were both Titans who were overthrown by their children, with Cronus being overthrown by Zeus and Saturn by Jupiter. Both were associated with time and were often depicted as elderly and wielding a scythe.
Ganymede is the seventh and largest of Jupiterβs known satellites. Ganymede is the third of the Galilean moons.
Saturn is Cronus, father of Zeus. Jupiter is Zeus. Venus is the Roman goddess of love and beauty; Aphrodite is her counterpart.
Jupiter was famous for being the king of the gods. He was one of the sons of Rhea and Cronus, and had given his father a poison to drink so that he would throw up his other brothers and sisters. Jupiter was also the lord of the sky.
The Greek God Zeus was named after the planet Jupiter. In Roman mythology, Jupiter is the equivalent of Zeus.
The father of Saturn was Uranus, and the grandfather of Jupiter was Saturn. In Greek mythology, Uranus was the sky god and fathered Saturn, who was the god of time. Saturn, in turn, was the father of Jupiter, who was the king of the gods.