

Is Jupiter bigger than sun

Updated: 4/28/2022
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9y ago

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Jupiter is the largest planet in the Solar system, but it is not larger than the Sun. The Sun is about 10 times larger than Jupiter.

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Q: Is Jupiter bigger than sun
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Is Jupiter bigger than the sum?

If you meant "Is Jupiter bigger than the SUN" then no. The sun is bigger than any planets in our known solar system.

Is Jupiter bigger than everything even the sun?

Jupiter is not bigger then the sun however, it is bigger then some stars

How much bigger is sun than Jupiter?

Jupiter is actually smaller than the sun.

Is Jupiter bigger than the Sun?

Jupiter is 10 times smaller than the Sun and it is 1/1000 the mass of the sun.

How much bigger than Jupiter is the Sun?

Jupiter is actually ten times SMALLER than the sun, not bigger.

Is Jupiter bigger or smaller than the Sun?

Jupiter is quite a bit smaller than the Sun both in appearance from Earth and in actual size.

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The Sun is not burning!

What is the name of a planet bigger than the sun?

There are no planets bigger than the sun. Even the largest planet Jupiter is only about 1% the size of the sun.

Which planet is immense than earth or sun?

Mars. Not Mars. Jupiter is a lot bigger than Earth, but the Sun is much bigger than a planet.

Is Jupiter the same size as the sun or bigger or smaller?

Although Jupiter is the largest planet in the Solar System, it is much much smaller than the Sun

How many times bigger is the sun than Jupiter?

Earth's diameter at the equator is 12,756.1 kilometers or 7,926.28 miles. Sun's diameter at the equator is 1.392 million kilometers or 864,900 miles. The diameter of the Sun is 109 times larger than the diameter of the Earth.

How big is Jupiter to the sun and earth?

Jupiter is bigger than the earth, but smaller than the sun.Jupiter has a radius about 11 times longer than Earth's, and roughly 10 times less than the Sun's.