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Q: Is Mixing oil and water a physical change?
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Is mixing oil and water chemical or physical?

It is a physical change because the oil and the water do not change in chemical composition.

Is mixing oil and water a physical?


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Physical, the sand and oil can be separated.

Physical changes of oil and water?

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physical- there's no chemical change.

Is mixing oil and water a physical or a chemical change?

When oil and water mix it is due to an emulsifier being added to the solution. The emulsifier has one hydrophobic tail which will attach to the oil and one hydrophilic tail which attaches to the water. It is more of a chemical change than a physical one since the oil and water don't change state, however they will not form an emulsification without an aid so its technically not due to a chemical reaction between the water and oil alone either.

Is mixing and separating oil and water a chemical reaction?

No, it is a physical process.

Is mixing oil and water a chemical change?

Oil floating on water is not a "change", so asking whether it's a physical change or a chemical one is nonsense. To the extent there's any meaning at all to the question, it's a phenomenon caused by the physical properties of the two materials.

Is oil and water being shaken together to make salad dressing a chemical change?

chemical change. the dressing and mayonnaise changed completely to form the sauce.

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very bad! change the oil

Is mixting oil and water a physical change?


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