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No, everything in orbit around the sun has an elliptical orbit, some are just closer to being in a circular orbit than others.

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Q: Is Pluto the only body in the solar system with an elliptical orbit?
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Which planet has an oblique elliptical orbit?

Pluto has the most oblique orbit. All the planets have elliptical orbits, however Mercury has the most elliptical orbit since Pluto is now considered a dwarf planet. This information is provided by the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada and available online [see related links].

Which planet in the solar system has an orbit so eccentric that it crosses the orbit of another planet?


Is there a planet further away than Pluto?

There are many planets further away from Pluto but they do not orbit the sun so they are not part of our solar system. There are also many stars that are further away from Pluto.

Which planet has the largest elliptical orbit?

Planets are NOT elliptical in shape, they are basically spheres. However their spherical shape is distorted by the centrifugal forces resulting form their spin. This makes their equators fatter and their shape becomes that of an "Oblate Spheroid". All of the planets are spherical; none are appreciably oblate. In fact, being spherical is one of the elements of the 2006 IAU definition of "planet". Probably the biggest deviation from spherical is the mountain Olympus Mons on Mars; it is the highest mountain that we know of in the solar system. However, our exploration of Venus and Mercury are still in the very early stages; there are many surprises yet to be found there.

Which Planet has the most eccentric orbit?

Mercury's orbit has the highest eccentricity of all the Solar System planets. It used to be Pluto, but Pluto is now a dwarf planet. Also if you were wondering Mars has the 2nd highest eccentricity.

Related questions

Is Pluto in an orbit with another solar system?

No. Pluto orbits in our solar system.

Is the orbit of Mercury highly elliptical or little elliptical?

The orbit of Mercury has the highest eccentricity of all the Solar System planets

Which planet has an oblique elliptical orbit?

Pluto has the most oblique orbit. All the planets have elliptical orbits, however Mercury has the most elliptical orbit since Pluto is now considered a dwarf planet. This information is provided by the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada and available online [see related links].

Is it true that Pluto is the only body in the solar systemwith an elliptical orbit?

No. The truth is the exact opposite. Every object in a closed orbit around the sun ...every planet, asteroid, periodic comet, etc. ... has an elliptical orbit.

Is it true that Pluto is not in our universe?

Planet Pluto is in solar system and Solar system is in the Universe t, hence Pluto is also in our universe.However Pluto was not part of original Solar sytem but was a comet which was captured in a planetary orbit.

Which body in the solar system has an orbit so eccentric that it crosses the orbit of neptune?


What is the orital shape of the planets in our solar system?

All of the planets in our solar system have an elliptical orbit around the sun.

What different about Pluto's orbit that the orbit in our other planet's solar system?

its orbit crosses with another plant

How does Earth move around in the solar system?

It has an elliptical orbit around the Sun.

Why is Pluto not always the most distant planet in the solar system?

Pluto's highly elliptical orbit sometimes brings it closer to the sun than Neptune. Though it should be noted that since Pluto is no longer considered a planet, the furthest planet from the sun is Neptune.

Which planet in the solar system has an orbit so eccentric that it crosses the orbit of another planet?


What did Kepler discover about the orbit the solar systems planets?

Kepler discovered the orbits of the solar system are elliptical.