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Yes, it would be difficult. You would have to be completely protected from the atmosphere all the time.

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Q: Is it difficult for human beings to survive on Mars?
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Can a human survive the climate of Mars?

No because they have no oxygen in mars

Is there any person who landed on Mars?

No human beings have ever set foot on Mars.

What happened the last time you went to Mars?

Human beings have never been to Mars.

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No human beings have yet gone to the planet Mars.

What does an alien from Mars eat?

Nothing. There is no evidence of life on Mars. Considering that spacecraft from the planet Earth have landed on Mars, we human beings from Earth are the Martians.

Can a human survive on mars why or why not?

no, because a human would suffocate and die of intense heat.

Was there human beings in mars?

we cannot as yet say for certain but it is unlikely as there is no oxygen or water

Can a human survive on mars if not why?

Mars is way to gassy for a human Couple of reasons we cannot survive, Mars has a carbon dioxide atmosphere and no oxygen also Mars has no magnetic field so it has no protection from cosmic radiation a human would receive doses as high as 500 rads per hour (lethal dose)

Can a human surivie in terms of weather on mars?

People cannot survive on mars because of the lack of oxyen and water.

Is there a space stations on mars?

If there is, it wasn't built by human beings from the planet Earth, and none of our remote sensing robot machines that we've sent to Mars has seen it.

How long can a human survive on mars?

i don't know try it yourself or go to a library of Mars.

What is a special thing people like about mars?

Mars is the most Earth-like of all the planets in our solar system (not including Earth itself). While it would certainly not be easy for human beings to live on Mars, it would nonetheless be easier for human beings to live on Mars, than it would be for them to live on Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, or Neptune. So in terms of interplanetary colonization, Mars seems to be the best bet.