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Yes, the moon was a chunk of Earth

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Q: Is it true that the Moon was a chunk of Earth?
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How do you know the earth is bigger than the moon?

Some scientists believe that the moon was once a chunk of the earth that broke off long ago and became our moon, and if that's true, it isn't possible that the moon would be bigger than the earth.

Is the moon of earth?

An asteroid had hit Earth and knocked of a chunk that is now called the moon.

Was the moon always there up in space?

No. A big asteroid hit the Earth and broke off a chunk of it early in Earth's history. That chunk became the moon. The same collision is responsible for the tilt in Earth's axis that causes the seasons to change.

How did the moon get where it is?

Before life existed on Earth a Mars like object collided with our planet. A big chunk of the Earth floated away from our planet due to the pressure of the collision. And that big chunk is now what we call, the Moon.

Why is the moon as small as Australia?

The moon is as small asAustralia because the moon was formed when an object the size of mars smashed into the still molten baby earth (about 3.5 billion years ago). It knocked off a chunk of earth roughly the size of Australia. The chunk of molten earth was sucked into our gravitational field. Due to the theory of relativity and the size of the chunk it developed its own gravity thus making it spherical and the size of Australia.

Describe the impact-collision therory of the moon's origin?

The theory is that a moon-sized object, crashed into the earth during it's developmental stages, which then ejected a massive chunk of material from the body of the newly formed earth. This large chunk of planetary debris was then caught in the earth's gravitational field and settled into an orbital path around the earth, forming what we call the moon.

What are the differences between Mercury and the moon?

Mercury is a planet. The moon is a chunk of rock. Mercury orbits the sun. The moon orbits the Earth, which in turn orbits the sun.

How might the moon craters and rilles have formed?

when the earth was spinning really hard. a big chunk of the earth spun off and started to orbit the earth

Why moon not orbit sun?

because the moon is the result of an asteroid hitting the earth 4 billion years ago. a chunk of the earth came off and started orbiting the earth because it was closer to the earth than the sun

Why would a chunk of gold weigh more on the moon then earth?

Special type of magnetivity only found on the moon and inside moon samples that is magentic towards the element gold.

Is our Moon formed from the Crust of today's Pacific Ocean after some Impact hit that part of Earth?

There is a theory that suggests a comet hit the earth and possible broke off a chunk creating the moon.

What substances form the moon?

One theory is that the moon was created when a large meteorite hit the Earth and a "chunk" broke off but was kept in orbit by the Earth's gravitational force. Therefore, the moon is made up of similar substances as the Earth, but presumably just upper mantle stuff.