

Is the government hiding aliens

Updated: 4/28/2022
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13y ago

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I think that the government are hiding aliens because there truthful and there always suspicious and not telling use thing for all we know they could be hiding dinosoures or something we think is fake but they could be real,you know why.............because of the GOVERNMENT

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Is the govermnent hiding aliens?

Aliens might be real.the goverment is hiding something.just in case prepare yourselfs.

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I believe they are hiding a UFO. They are hiding all the UFO's at Area 51. They are hiding them because they do not want to scare anyone. Also, reports have said that humans and aliens are working together! They are hiding that too. But don't be afraid, reports say they are working with humans to protect earth. PS, this information came from the TV show UFO Hunters.

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It makes for interesting reading, but there are no aliens.

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because they are hiding stuff not neccesarily aliens but they definetely are hiding something from the public eye

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It is not possible for the government to be hiding global warming from citizens. However, it can be said that the government is not creating enough awareness campaigns which will prevent global warming.