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The mass would be the same. the weight would not.

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The mass of an object remains constant regardless of its location in the universe. So, an elephant's mass would be the same on the Moon or Mars as it is on Earth. However, an object's weight, which is the effect of gravity on its mass, would differ on the Moon and Mars due to variations in their gravitational pull.

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Q: Is the mass of an elephant the same on the moon as mars?
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Is the mass of an elephant on the moon the same as it's weight on the moon?

Mass and weight are two different things. Mass does not change, but weight changes depending on the gravity acting on the item. An elephant has the same mass on Earth, the Moon, or when weightless in orbit. The weights in each of those location will vary greatly.

What would the Mass of elephant on the moon?

it would be the same wherever you are

Would the mass of an elephant be less on the moon?

No, the mass of the elephant will never change, but on the moon the elephant would weigh less. Weight is the affect of gravitation wich is the attraction of two bodies that have mass. The mass of the moon is smaller then that of the earth so the gravitational pull would be less.

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Mars is about twice as big as the Moon.

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Neither. Mass is mass. Newtons is a force not a mass, 30 N is the same on Mars or anywhere else. It is 30 N

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You would have the same mass on the Earth as you would on the moon. You would just weigh less on the moon because there is less gravity there than on the moon.

Would the mass of an elephant on the moon be less than its mass on mars?

An elephant's mass would be the same on both the Moon and Mars because an object's mass is a measure of the amount of matter it contains, which does not change with location. However, its weight would vary due to the different gravitational forces on the Moon and Mars.

When does the elephant and a mouse become same in weight?

the moon

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The mass of the object remains the same on the moon as it is on Earth, so it would still be 20kg. Mass is a measure of the amount of matter in an object and is independent of the gravitational pull of the environment.

Can an elephant have the same momentum has a golf ball?

No, an elephant cannot have the same momentum as a golf ball. Momentum is dependent on mass and velocity, so even if an elephant and a golf ball were moving at the same speed, the elephant's much larger mass would result in a significantly greater momentum.

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No, Mars has a greater mass than Venus. Mars has a mass of about 0.107 times that of Earth, while Venus has a mass of about 0.815 times that of Earth.

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The moon does; it causes the tides. Mars is just there ... without it Earth would be just the same.