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Our moon, Luna, is indeed similar to many other moons even in our own solar system, much less the universe as a whole (which has not really be examined in sufficient detail to enable us to catalog moons in other stellar systems).

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Q: Is the moon similar to other moons in the universe?
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What is the order of the moons smallest to lagrest?

the smallest moon in the whole universe

Is there any other planet similar to earth in the milky way?

No planets are similar but there is a moon. Titan, one of Jupiter's moons, is very similar to Earth.

Why is there only one moon in the universe?

I'm not sure where you got that idea, but there is certainly not only one moon in the universe. Our planet only has one moon, but most planets have several moons. You should do a search online for moons and look at some examples.

Where in the universe is the moon?

"moon" is the term given to earth's natural satellite, most every planet has satellites that could be called moons

What is The largest moon in the universe?

Ganymede is the largest known moon in the Milky Way Galaxy.

Does the moon have full moon and new moon?

Yes, it does in deed have full moons and new moons. One or the other appears every 14.77 days.

How many planets have two moons?

Only Mars has two moons. The other planets have either one moon, no moons, or many moons.

Does the moon have any rings or other moons orbiting it?


What is the important moons in Neptune?

Triton is the largest moon of neptune along with other 13 moons

Is there only one moon in the solar system?

No. Almost every planet has moons or A moon. Saturn and Jupiter have many moons (23+). The Moon is OUR only moon. We can't see the other moons because they're very far away! Our moon is close to us.

Is the moon the same size as moons of the other terrestrial planets?

No. The Moon is large compared to Earth. Almost all other moons are much smaller relative to the planets they orbit.

How much moon does moon have?

the moon has lots of craters but one fact is that the actual moon has 77 million other moons.