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Q: Is the smoke from the the rocket is that producing trust?
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Related questions

Is smoke coming out of a rocket a indicator that the engine is producing thrust?

not exactly,there could be powder coming out of a hole or puncture in the rocket.that could cause an explosion sending flaming debree should inspect the rocket first.if you see lots of smoke you can: a.throw a rock at it while it is still low to the ground b.send another rocket at it to make it explode c.DON'T LAUNCH ROCKETS WITHOUT INSPECTING THEM!

What kind of force is the trust of a rocket?

i think i answered my own question : trust

What equipment does a rocket carry?

dont trust this website

Does smoke of a vehicle a physical or chemical change?

Smoke is not a change but a complex mixture; producing smoke is a chemical process.

What is Philippines modern technology?

producing smoke like cars

How is thrust produced in a rocket?

Rockets fly by producing thrust.Thrust is the force that moves the rocket foroward.Thrust occurs because forces always come in pairs.

How does space exploration destroy earth?

by the smoke from the rocket it damages plant and creatures

Can the smoke from a model rocket kill you?

Probably not, but I wouldn't recommend standing too close to the rocket as it lifts off. The fumes from the rocket's engine definitely aren't very good for your lungs.

Was rocky from rocky and bullwinkle a girl?

"Hokey smoke!" Rocket J. Squirrel is a boy .

How does the nose cone help the rocket?

yes, it helps it fly faster, trust me, I've tested all kinds of rocket tests. - Mr. Burn

How do you build a water rocket launcher?

YouTube - Build an Overhead Water Rocket Launcher Part 1 Introduction trust me the $10 is needed to to buy all the parts

What sign represents a location containing colored smoke producing ammunition?

Breathing Apparatus Sign