

Is the sun an example of a galaxy?

Updated: 8/9/2023
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12y ago

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A galaxy is made up of stars. Our galaxy is called the Milky Way. There are probably over 100 billion galaxies in the universe, each with millions, billions or even trillions of stars!

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A galaxy is a large system of stars held together by mutual gravitation and isolated from similar systems by vast regions of space.

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12y ago

No. The sun is an example of a star. the sun is a part of the galaxy we live in called the milky way.

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Is the Sun is an example of a galaxy that gives off light energy?

well our sun is in our galaxy and our sun also give out light and energy but i did not say the sun is a galaxy is just our star that we circle around and gives us day and night and gives us heat, you know?

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no our galaxy doesn't have a blue sun.

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the sun is a star that is in the galaxy! not away from it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!>:(

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No. Every star in the galaxy is a sun.

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No one, as the Sun is not in the middle of the Galaxy

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The Andromeda Galaxy is the closest one to the sun. Our galaxy is the closest one of all.

In which galaxy does the sun exist?

Our sun "The Sun" exists in a galaxy called "the milky way", all other galaxy's that we know of also have suns.

What is the galaxy of the sun?

The galaxy in which we are located - and thus the galaxy in which our Sun, and our Solar System, is located, is known as the "Milky Way".

Which galaxy is your sun in?

The Milky way galaxy

What galaxy is part of the sun?

Spiral galaxy

What is closest to the earth the sun Neptune or Andromeda galaxy?

The Sun, then Neptune and then the Andromeda galaxy.

Are the sun and the stars in the same galaxy?

The sun is a star but the sun is a star but it is the only one in our galaxy, the milky way.